The Official Host Officers and Crew of the 2003 Festival

The Host and "Captain,"- Dave Greim

The "Senior Officers" of the Wardroom:

Edgar Bullington - Assistant to the Captain

Michelle Malik- Communications Officer, Adjutant to the Captain

David Miller- Financial Officer

Susan Miller-Banquet and Travel Officer

Richard Halpern- Entertainment Officer

Our Enlisted Crew and Ensigns:

Dan & Susan Tarnow- Publishers

Frank Bresee & Bobb Lynnes- Radio Seminar Moderators

Stan Taffel- Film Preservation Seminar Moderator

Shelly Herman & Glenn Howard- Sound & Lighting Engineers

Marv Freeman- Publicist, Media Relations

Videographer- Paul Bunnell


Volunteers- Cathy & Joe Ekaitis, Harold Harris, Magaret & Marty Hershkowitz,  Jane and Ken Urbina, Peter Weber, John Webster, and Kevin Deevey, Rick Rogers, Marc Russell, Valerie Yaros, Phillip Harwood, Jan Hernstat, John & Karen Rendon, Faith Jones, and Pat Pyke. (If anyone would care to volunteer, please do contact me.)

Acknowledgements- Skip Mack, Tom Nestor, Ken Bucklin, Paul Bowers, Steve Zieman, Dolores Kontowicz, Kevin Deevey, John Wehrman, Harry Rhinehart, Ken Urbina, Ron Petke & John Craig, Ronnie Paul, Jr., Ken Anderson, Sybil Jason, Maxwell DeMille, Larry Wilde, Tony Babino, Dave Gross, Bill Campbell, Rudy Wissler, Bob Granite, Barbara Watkins, Fran Vatore, Mora's Modern Rhythmists, Heavenly Blooms Florists, Bob Birchard, Miles Kreuger, Fran Vatore, Brad Kay, Marc Wannamaker, Hollywood Heritage, Cinecon, Inc., Bob Gitt, UCLA Film & Television Archive, Billy Delbert, Marv Freeman, Classic Images, Laura Leff, Brian Gari, The Queen Mary Staff, Terri Hallewah, Laura Victoria.

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